20 degrees in Celsius weather all year around allows Ecuador to be rich in fruit cultivation. One of the advantages of traveling in Ecuador is that you can enjoy various options for fruits. Here is my Top 5 of fruit recommendations that visitors of Ecuador should not miss out on!
1. Mora
Mora is an Andean blackberry. When I tried raw mora it was quite acidic. It maybe needed more time to ripe, which is probably the reason why people usually enjoy mora in the form of juice or jam.
2. Pitahaya
Pitahaya is also being called a yellow dragon fruit. Although the outer skin is not like a usual dragon fruit, the inside is similar to the one we know as a dragon fruit: the pulp which is semi-transparent and full of tiny black seeds. The fruit itself is sweet and mild. It is good to eat fresh or with various forms such as juice.
3. Guanabana
In English it is called ´soursop´. It is a melon-size green fruit with white pulp and black seeds inside. This fruit is normally not eaten raw but it’s being consumed as a juice most of the time.
4. Marayucá
Maracuyá belongs to the passion fruit family. It has a yellowish green soft skin and half transparent pulp with seeds. Eating raw can be very acidic. I also have enjoyed this fruit in ice cream which was fresh and sweet.
5. Granadilla
Granadilla is rooted from the passion fruit. The outer appearance is like a normal juicy fruit but with frog-egg like inside. You can easily break the outer layer and scoop the inner part. When seeing this fruit for the first time, a visual shock can happen but the jelly taste of the fruit is very tempting.
Written by: Jin